Pre-process of Oath Jury
OATH’s dispute resolution protocol is modeled on the common-law jury system and utilizes blockchain, cryptographic algorithms, random algorithms associated with categories and attributes, jurors’ credit level, and case-tracking technology. OATH Jury is an app based on a decentralized, standard, and extensible public chain-agnostic protocol that allow dApp users to post disputes and get the final decision from the app.
I was asked to lead the whole product design of this app, including the initial research, user experience and interfacial realization. ​​​​​​​
To comply with my non-disclosure agreement, I have omitted and obfuscated confidential information in this showcase. All information in this showcase is my own and does not necessarily reflect the views of OATH Protocol.

My role
I joined this project in its  ground-zero phase, and worked with 1 team leader, 1 assistant visual designer, 2 developers and 2 marketer. I joined conceptual discussion with team leader, marketers, stakeholders from the beginning, and then led ideation, and side studies, and contributed in UX, logo design, interactive prototyping.
Design Process
Given the limit of resources, we combined lean UX design  four-pronged methods: Business Strategy, Value Proposition, User Research and Killer UX, and Design Thinking five-step method.
Value Proposition
It is a blockchain based online machine, playing a key role in our decentralized future, making chain and dApp users feel more secure by enabling a dispute resolution and governance mechanism on the blockchain. 

Research - Competitive Analysis
Before we started making wireframes, we conducted research by using competitive analysis tool first, to convert a lot of information from the current market into comparisons and insights to help us make differences.
We grouped competitors into 2 types: direct competitors and indirect competitors, and compared the value propositions, use scenarios, strengths and weaknesses.

Research - User Research

Gamification of Quiz
In the beginning of the project, we made an assumption  that our first group of target audiences would be those who needed dispute resolutions and those who want to be approved by the society.  We launched a small sized wechat quiz Right or Wrong  and observed the result of people's sharing and voting motivations. The result turned out to be not bad with 5,200 participants. 

Incentive Know Your Customer Procedure

Trough the research and experiment, we got 2 significant insights:
1. People were inclined to participate if they were rewarded with something: an attractive result or real token. 
2. People didn't want to read too much before voting. The average time between 2 votes was within 1 second.

Combine revenue stream and reward system together
In order to motivate more people to participate, we would reward them after they voted. Meanwhile, as a startup project, we should also take the revenue into consideration. The app would include business-to-customer and customer-to-customer modes. Public cases are initiated by companies requiring the votes from the public to help them make decisions. Private cases are more like cases in court, the claimant and defendant share evidences and ask the jury to vote. 

Use simple colors and interactive cards to facilitate making decisions. 
Considering people's lack of patience in reading evidence, we will simplify the display information and try to use graphic words and diagrams to convey.

Design & Prototypes
For testing quickly and make revenue soon, we decided design public cases at first as our MVP.